But his words will live on with us forever and it's up to us to make this great world he dreamed of a reality every day.
But there will be perseverance and triumph and happiness and unadulterated satisfaction.
Some days will be slogging through the day to day or the down and dirty work, that no one ever sees, of creating something amazing. All of those days of slogging through will move us days closer to accomplishing whatever it is we set out to be.
It may be hard, it may be lonely, it may be slow and seemingly impossible.
But in that struggle and a constant state of progress, no matter how slight, is what we owe great men like Mandela. They have shown us what the human spirit is capable of. That one person can in fact move mountains and raise others up along with us.
It may not always be pretty, but what's the point, if not to live the life we are capable of living?