I decided that I had more to say and I was going to start saying it.
Progress on the renovation has been slow of late, but I promise as it gets colder outside, you'll be seeing more of that. For the rest of the warm weather, we'll be relocating the chickens into the windbreak area and building their permanent coop.
So of course there will still be more chickens, and farming and renovation posts to come, but there will also be more thoughts.
I've always been a writer and it's been a long time since I really wrote. Work writing is all facts and almost always on deadline. Those stories aren't about me, they're about informing the community on what's happening in their community.
Some of my posts here have been more writerly than others, but I've decided to recommit to the actual act of writing. To having a thought, thinking it out, writing with intention and with purpose and hopefully a little bit less on the fly when I'm feeling guilty about not having posted in awhile.
And that's about when I had the genius idea to create this series, what I'm calling the "I Believe..." series.
For the entire month of September, and hopefully well beyond that, I will post weekly on something I believe. It will likely range widely in topic, length, seriousness and style.
If I'm being honest, this is for me, but also for you. I sometimes struggle to share my thoughts on many things on this blog because I'm constantly worried about how it might impact my work (I'm a journalist remember? And while we fight for the freedom of speech and press, our freedom to truly speak our minds is often restricted as we put a huge emphasis on being impartial and unbiased. Trust me, it's like walking a tight rope sometimes).
I will be posting an "I Believe..." post each week. I won't restrict myself to a set day because life happens and while I work well on deadline, I don't want to force myself to write when it doesn't feel natural or genuine. But, it will be weekly.
I will also be reaching out to my friends, both from the blogging world and real life, to share their thoughts throughout the month.
And I invite you to do the same.
Post what you believe and share it. I'll be adding a linkup with my posts and invite you to share. If you're interested in guest posting here as part of the series, let me know at [email protected].
Until then, I leave you to ponder what you believe and encourage you to join me in this series.
Hope you all had a lovely holiday weekend and soaked in those last rays of sunshine.