It's also #inspiremefriday with Eileen, Alicia, Megan, Stacy, Julie and more.
I want to be a person that eats breakfast every day. Seriously, I love breakfast. I just can't seem to manage it in my rush to get out the door, though I'd never leave home without my coffee cup. I especially love waffles, but that's not really doable on a daily basis or good for the whole waistline thing. But I'm currently three for three in the new year on eating breakfast and that's something.
We can be people who strive to eat breakfast or make our beds each day while also being people who strive to move mountains. Either way, the time to start is now.
Things I should be able to do by 30. I've got most of these, though I can't change a tire myself. Changing my own oil is a more likely accomplishment. Refreshing my swimming skills isn't a bad idea either.
A fun graphic from the culture-ist on 8 habits of successful people. I especially like the habit of aiming high. I think I'm going to make a print of this and frame it for our home office.
The #getgutsy essay contest from Jess Lawlor. Get on it kids! You've got till Jan. 5 to enter!
Big fat collection of resources for designers. I'm not a designer, but the resources are coming in handy here on the blog.
Melyssa's Bloggers Giving Back has me all kinds of excited. Now to figure out ways to bring it to Montana. She also just announced the Creative Collective and I am stoked.
A beautiful read in Afar about a writer searching for those who knew her father when he was in country during the Vietnam War.
This. A story that warms the heart, because two boys worked hard and a journalist took the bus.
7 reasons you should travel solo at least once. I absolutely, whole heartedly recommend it to.
On socialization's affect on our sleep cycles. I do sleep especially well when I travel abroad, assuming I'm not paranoid about missing buses, trains, boats or flights.