After that adventure, she was in the garage, only to be kicked out by the first stray cat that we acquired, aka Kitty.
This little one, she's really just a kitten, is known around here as Little Kitty.
We're real creative with the names, eh? But they're barn cats, not pets to us. Plus, I'm not a cat person in the slightest.
But, Kitty has done an excellent job hunting mice around here and being an all around decent farm cat.
Turns out, she hates Little Kitty.
So there's a lot of hissing, shrieking and swatting when they see each other. Hopefully, they work it out since I'm partial to Little Kitty and we could use a second farm cat. There's a lot of mice around here, yo. (Yes, I did just type yo. M and my sister use it and apparently, they're rubbing off on me.)
Little Kitty also doesn't seem to have learned how to hunt because she's still awfully skinny. There's food and water in the garage, but Kitty does so much hunting, the food is there just to add to that and keep her around. If you give them too much food, they won't hunt. And if they don't keep mice out, I'm not keeping cats around if I can help it.
Grover is really not into cats, so that's been interesting. Kitty is pretty big though and can totally take him, as he's learned through claws to the face a few times.
Little Kitty though seems lost in the world, so I'm hoping she can make nice with Kitty and learn some farm cat things.
Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do with her, other than take her to the overcrowded shelter that already has a ton of cats.
She's very social and sweet, but kind of a problem when you're carrying a 5-gallon bucket full of water and she's weaving between your legs. Or jumping on you while you're pulling weeds from the garden. Or getting into a hissing match right by your face when you're filling chicken water buckets.
This morning she was wailing in the bedroom window and seems to like following me everywhere when I'm outside. She got stepped on a few times this morning when I couldn't see her or anticipate her nuttiness with the 50 pounds of water I was lugging to the sheep.
But, of all the cats in the world, she might be my favorite, so I'm hoping she gets it all sorted out.