I love fall.
Montana fall is different than my treasured Virginia falls, but I'll take it.
Lately it's been a mix of cold days with some snow, then hot and blue skies forever. It's basically impossible to dress for the weather ever around here. I'm almost always too hot or too cold. So it goes.
We're supposed to have some nice weather for the next week or so, but I know winter is looming and once it takes hold, it won't give up until oh, somewhere around May.
So I'm doing my best to soak in those moments of fall. While I'm thinking about it, here's a few of my favorite fall things and what's happening here as we prepare to hibernate for the long winter.
+ Sweater weather. I've only pulled out a heavyish sweater maybe twice so far this fall, but I'm ready for it. Who doesn't love a cozy, comfy, chunky sweater? I know I do.
+ Scarves. Honestly, I only just got into scarves in the last few years. I have yet to master the art of making scarves look all cool and classy, but I love them nonetheless. I have a hangar full that I've accumulated over my non-scarf wearing days and yet only wear three or four of them faithfully. So more closet purging is in my future.
+ Crisp mornings. When it's sunny and clear, but cold and I can see my breath. When I can go for a run and not have heat stroke if I wear a sweatshirt. Mornings when there's a bit of frost on the fields, even if it did kill the rest of my tomatoes and my finally (FINALLY) growing peppers.
+ Changing leaves. Because it's just gorgeous.
+ Walking downtown with a cup of hot chocolate, or a peppermint mocha. Sorry folks, I just can't get into the pumpkin spice latte craze, but a peppermint mocha owns me.
+ We're getting the last of the tomatoes, prepping the chickens for winter and finishing the last of our must-do outdoor chores before we move to indoor chores, like finally renovating the mudroom, then one or both of the bathrooms, the kitchen and maybe now the fireplace has been added to the list.
+ We're on the market for a new front door too and I'm weirdly excited about it. Hopefully it will spruce up the front of the house and also get rid of the draft and snow that creeps in under the door.
What are your favorite fall things? Do you do anything to prep for winter?