I went home to Virginia, with stops in Pennsylvania for my cousins weeding, for a week in May with big plans to blog while I was on vacation. Instead, I decided to just be on vacation. As much as I love my social media and blogging, I've been feeling a little too connected lately.
While I was home, I dragged my mom and sister to Colonial Williamsburg (one of my favorite places ever) to see the Leicester Longwool sheep they have there, because that's the breed I'm getting soon and of course I'd pick a rare, American heritage breed raised at CW.
Guys, they are so stinking cute.
For starters, we've been working on the new and improved chicken coop. It's basically a chicken palace compared to the temporary coop the hens have been slumming it in for the last year. Once we get that done, I can get some more chicks too.
The coop/barn will also have storage space for chicken and garden supplies, and the best part? A small deck on top for reading, summertime drinking, star gazing, and anything else we feel like.
Last fall, we spent forever digging holes, M put some cement in the bottom and we got one massive post in the ground before winter set in. Just one lonely post sat out there all winter.
Finally, it warmed up and wind let up enough for us to get the other seven in the ground. M used string to get things in the right spot, then we poured in gravel to hold them in place and packed the dirt back in. Seriously, that's all it takes to get posts that M says weigh more than I do to be solidly in the ground for building a barn.
Not entirely sure what comes next on this project, it's kind of M's thing, but I'm excited that we're making progress.
And there there's the popcorn ceilings.
The popcorn ceilings WITH GLITTER.
These things seriously haunt me and make me cringe just looking at them.
Since there's so many projects I can't do on my own and let's face it, there are days when I feel completely paralyzed with overwhelm from the list of house projects we've got going on.
So last week the popcorn ceilings came down. I had a day off and I decided to just start scraping those suckers off. It's kind of like how I get a haircut when life feels out of control. Action, no matter how small, is incredibly calming to me.
For some of the rooms, like the bedrooms, we used water to scrape the glittery popcorn completely off. In the dining/living room and hallway, I did a dry scrape since M likes the light texture left behind. We'll paint over the glitter eventually.
Since we don't really want to spend on redoing all the walls just yet, so I'm going to give the walls a fresh cost of paint in Behr's Gobi Desert to see how that works for me. Of course now that I'm thinking about it, the color is pretty similar to the couch, but Gidget ate some holes in the couch so that might get relocated.
Eventually, the fireplace will be redone and we're thinking about opening up that wall to build a sunroom. Once we started spitballing about major projects, and M mentioned wanting a new roof, I said we should put a loft above the hypothetical sunroom.
But until then, I'll be painting paneling.
What have you been up to?
Until next time, a view from a recent Montana road trip.