The soil was too compacted to really break it up with the tiller so we got in there with the spade fork and turned dirt for days. It was hot and exhausting. I did the edge and a small section while boyfriend built the compost bin.
We added in a few bags of plant food, fertilizer and garden soil. And by a few I mean more than a dozen.
With twine, we laid it out and used the handy dandy garden map I'd made. Don't ever try to make your garden map in pen when you're researching companion plants and forgetting how much of everything you have.
Next, we started digging out the walkways. And by we, I mean boyfriend.
Most of those chunks aren't rocks, just compacted soil. This land was vacant for four or five years, but had a garden at one point, so it's just going to need some love to get it back in good shape. We hope.
Then it was time to start putting some plants in the ground. Since I got over eager on wanting to plant/grow some of these plants have moved a few times and might not make it. But, they've been pretty resilient so far, even surviving a few hail storms, so I have hope!
We also got a whole bunch of broccoli, peppers and cucumbers at the Big R, so we figured we'd give them a shot. We'll see how they do. I got an Iron Lady tomato and some kale from one of our freelancers at the paper, and I got two Manitoba tomatoes and two bell peppers from the local farmers market. The peppers aren't doing so hot, but they're not giving up yet.
I'll have him write up the plans for that and post those soon.
We used a piece of plywood and a rubber mallet to even out the dirt piles and fill in edges and to keep everything from crumbling into the walkway.
To keep moisture in the dirt, since it dries out wicked quick here, we put grass clippings over the dirt. The rest went into the compost bin, which is officially in action.
This is our test year, so maybe nothing will grow, maybe it all will. We're learning and getting the hang of it and next year we'll do better and be better prepared. For now, we're excited with the progress we've made. And, I have a bunch of tomatoes that just might make it!
I just wen tout there to take a now photo but it's too dark. Boyfriend was installing a drip irrigation system. We'll see how it works out.
So I'll leave you will a with a puppy photo. Entertainment comes cheap around here. Boyfriend's dog is cool with using water bottles as chew toys.