I'm behind again since Weebly was doing maintenance last night and I just couldn't stay awake that long!
But, on to the prompt.
There's not much that isn't on my bucket list, but I've picked out a few highlights. That photo up top is from Easter Island, a place I crossed off my bucket list in December 2012, right after quitting a job and right before I moved to Montana.
(To see the original photos, just click on it)

A friend and I had decided we were going to Egypt together for out 30th birthdays since hers is Aug. 2 and mine is Aug. 22. But then the world got crazier, she got married and had a baby. I moved to Montana.
We had big plans for places to visit while we're there, maybe even branch out a bit in the region, but who knows what we'll finally come up with. The pyramids are a must, and Alexandria, but there's so much else to see!
We haven't been yet, but we haven't given up the thought of making that trip together, even if it takes us a little longer to get there. Maybe 35?

This has been on my list for years. While in Slovenia, I feel in love with that region and Eastern European feel and set my sights on Estonia, plus Latvia and Lithuania.
I'd already settled on wanting to go there, when I happened to be home in Virginia and at a family friend's house for a party. They had an exchange student from Estonia. So now, I've even got a friend to visit when I get there.
Next time I leave the country, I think it's finally going to be Estonia.

Another long time resident of my travel list. A friend and I have been talking about going for quite some time, we just need to make it happen. My mom has also mentioned that she'd live to go sometime. I've heard nothing but good things from the friends who have visited and it seems like a beautiful and fascinating country.
What's on your travel bucket list?