I joined in her Weekly Wishes around Christmas and the weekly exercise has honestly been a great way to focus all my energies into specific tasks each week that build up to bigger goals. For the new year, she changed it up a bit with the first week of wishes being monthly goals to help drive those weekly goals. Plus, telling all of you lovely readers a handful of my weekly goals each week helps me stick to them!
Turns out, we didn't quite need to start the onions yet, but we did make a spreadsheet of our seeds and planting information + a planting calendar. My mini herb garden is finally in pots this week and we'll see how they turn out. I'm planning a more robust herb garden outdoors once it warms up.
Chicken planning included picking out the inspiration for our coop/greenhouse but I still need to gather up supplies. Chick pick-up will be the end of this month or early March so it's time to buckle down and get ready.
As for calming the heck down, I'd say I did alright with room for improvement. This week feels more calm, though it's early yet.
Now for February's wishes.
+ Get the skating event squared away. Time to be no nonsense and knock it out. I'm running short on time, but have no doubt I can pull it off.
+ Finish my travel freelance project and look for more freelance work.
+ Run as much as the weather allows. So far, that hasn't been much, so indoor workouts are getting folded into the mix.
+ Work on the mudroom renovation. That project has been sidelined with everything else that's been going on, but I really do want to get a move on. I don't see a lot of sleep in my near future.
+ Chat with some other Montana bloggers to pull together some ideas and plans. I've got ideas kicking around, now to make them real.
+ Map out the garden for warmer weather. We've got the seed plan, now we need a soil test and to figure out where to put everything. The garden is expanding over last year's attempt so that likely means we'll have to work more soil, come up with a watering/drainage system and a pest control method. Deer and rabbits are just waiting to feast on my veggies!
+ Road trip to pick up the baby chicks and manage to keep them alive. We've decided to up our chick count in case some of them are roosters. We've also got to get serious about designing and building the chicken coop and greenhouse. It's hard to do when it's so cold, but we can do the prep work now to be ready. Especially now that I've finally picked out the design concept I want. Things are getting real!
What's in store for your February?