I have moved away a few times and most recently to the distant land of Montana (people, it is really hard to get anywhere from Great Falls by plane. Just sayin'.) I've left the country bunches of times and roadtripped all over. But, I always love coming home.
My mom made this when she was younger than I am now. For years, it hung on the wall of what was my room in high school. It's almost like she knew she'd have a daughter like me one day. And my sisters. We've all wandered and roamed, but always come back home at some point.
Amie got a special treat during the reception.
With very little sleep and having had too much fun at the wedding, we roadtripped to D.C. the next day. Ellen dropped me off to catch the metro into the city. Riding a line I rarely used when I lived there took me more time looking at the metro map than I ever remember. I had a giant orange rucksack on my back, I could play tourist.
After lunch with a wonderful friend we knew in Alabama, I met up with Erika and we hit the outlets on King Street in Old Town. If you're ever in the area, King Street is great. It's crowded as anything, but they've added new shops and there's a few outlets and something like 200 restaurants on King alone. If you branch off to the side streets, there's even more. Plus, you can walk right down to the Potomac if you want.
I racked up a few good finds and special tip, there's a new Francesca's on the corner near the Nine West outlet. I know Markeshia of Too Thrifty Chicks will be just as excited as I was to see that. Then there was Mexcian food at a great spot in D.C. We used to go to a different location for mega margaritas, but this location was equally awesome. Erika and I are now planning to do a cross-country Mexican food tour. We really love it. A lot. She's on the short list of people who will have chips, salsa and wine/margaritas with me and call it an acceptable dinner.
Then it was up to Capitol Hill, again with the rucksack for just a little bit of work meeting with some Senate staffers, but I always love walking around the Capitol and the National Mall. Politics and humidity aside, it really is a beautiful place. Favorite was being asked by Senate staffers if I was backbacking. Then going back outside and being asked by tourists how to get to Pennsylvania Avenue.
When we got home, Mom handed me something my Aunt Lee had sent home for me. Lee is super artsy and crafty and has an amazing garden just a block or two off the Jersey shore. She's awesome. And has been reading the blog, so she sent me this. Thanks Aunt Lee! I am putting it to use as soon as I get back to Montana!
And last night, good friends we knew in Alabama came over for dinner. They just got stationed here and have a three-month old (who is adorable!) and so we rolled out some Southern hospitality. I love my town so I always want to help people love it too. I'm beyond excited that they're here.
Alrighty, that was a lot packed into a few days and a single blog post. Time for more fun and adventures. But until then, look at this little lady!